Transparency in fund-level expenses: legal fees, investment team travel, deal origination fees, etc.
Formal policies for decision-making on investments: Investment Committee with charter, bylaws, etc.
Quarterly financial statements
Outside independent audit of annual financial statements
Transparent reporting to LPs
Access and inventory control policies, procedures and checks
Operational updates on the private LP site: tracking of construction milestones, etc.
Journalistic reporting on projects being completed: public site & social media accounts
Investor forum for direct dialogue between investors and business entrepreneurs
Provision for investors to visit project sites
Policies on the level of investment oversight: “hands-on” approach to investment management
Transparent policies on travel expenses: balance between incentivizing the investment team to stay close to the ground and not abusing the travel budget
Quarterly meetings with investors
Generate market-leading investor returns while generating impact in promoting the economic and social development of francophone West Africa.
All of our projects are geared towards ultimately providing attractive financial returns and are timed for optimal “exits” within 4-6 years for business ventures.