Brightmore Fellowship

Brightmore Capital offers a unique opportunity to exceptional MBA and University students, as well as mid-career professionals with a demonstrated interest in impact investing and frontier market PE/VC. In our Dakar office, or remotely, Fellows are immersed in the dynamic and rapidly evolving field of impact investing while gaining deep insight of how the industry functions both in the Francophone West African context as well as on a global scale.

Please feel free to contact us at for collaboration opportunities.

University Candidates

At Brightmore Capital, we have recruited Fellows and interns from some of the leading MBA programs and universities around the world. We are continuing to build partnerships with Career Centers and student-run clubs in the domains of Africa Business, PE/VC, and Impact Investing. Likewise, we are interested in broadening our interactions with business schools in our target investment region, in the countries of Senegal, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Benin, Togo, Guinea, and Niger. t

Mid-Career Candidates

In addition to University & MBA students and recent graduates, the flexible nature of the Brightmore Fellows program allows us to accept applications from mid-career professionals. Among our current and past Fellows, we’ve worked with individuals from a diverse set of backgrounds, which included:
What motivates mid-career professionals to join our program? In most cases, it is the desire to experience and step into the world of frontier markets PE/VC and the field of impact investing. Our Fellowship program offers one an ability to work in this field on an internship-like several-month engagement, or on a part-time basis, alongside current responsibilities.

Engagement Options

There are three primary engagement options with the Brightmore Fellows program that differ in the degree of physical presence, intensity of work, and autonomy. The options range from an onsite full-time engagement in our Dakar office, to an innovative remote fellowship model, to an independent project that is usually taken in conjunction with a university or an MBA program.

Full-Time Fellowship Onsite in Dakar

Remote Part-Time Fellowship

Independent Project

Position Types

Brightmore Capital offers three types of Fellow positions: generalists focused on investment work (“Investment Fellows”), analysts with an emphasis on finance (“Financial Analyst Fellows”), and “Impact Fellows” with impact & ESG as the areas of concentration. These classifications reflect the primary area of interest for each Fellow, with everyone having an opportunity to engage in all key areas of impact PE/VC fund work, but the two areas of concentration reflective of the majority of assignments that one is planning to take on.

Thus, the Finance Analyst Fellow and the Impact Fellow roles can be interpreted as Investment Fellow with concentration on X.” In the future, we plan to add roles with other areas of specialization such as Investor Relations, Media Outreach, Research and Portfolio Development.

Investment Fellow

Conducting market research, including desk research, to ensure the accuracy and comprehensiveness of information utilized to make investment decisions

Impact Fellow

General investment work with specific focus on impact. Example areas of emphasis: